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Radio Broadcast Library

Cleansing or Surgery

Victorious Living

Pastor Paul Revere preaches boldly on the vital issues facing today's Christian.

Topics and questions include: Kingdom Living, Health, Persecution of the Church, Y2K Preparedness and Is the USA Christian?

Eliminate gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, high blood pressure, constipation and more.

Use simple, inexpensive cleanses to flush out the inside of the body and restore health.

Study God's Word - Practical answers for life's problem areas, bringing freedom, healing, restoration and reconciliation.


Embassy of Heaven

Mark of the Beast

Marriage and Divorce

The Kingdom of Heaven is a current and present reality, and the Embassy of Heaven is an outpost for the Highest Government, supplying useful tools for evangelism.

They're continually dedicated to helping you come out of the kingdoms of this world and to be born again into the Kingdom of Heaven, on earth as it is in Heaven.

As you journey through the darkness of this world, may you be blessed with sight and everlasting life. Amen.


Have you ever heard someone say, "I don't use a social security number because it's the mark of the beast," and wondered what they meant?

Now is your chance to find out. This well documented website takes a close look at the Social Security program, and the surprising history behind it.

Learn why a treatise was required in the establishment of the Social Security system, and why welfare is unconstitutional.

The conclusions may surprise you. A must-read for everyone.

According to Jesus, if someone divorces and marries again, they are adulterers.

The Marriage and Divorce web site is dedicated to this difficult, and sometimes painful topic.

In plain black and white, a controversial subject is addressed in an easy to read,  straight-forward manner.

As a sword of truth in the darkness of moral deception, the web site boldly presents the Holy Scripture, as is, for all the world to read.


Kingdom of Heaven

Cleansing or Surgery

Victorious Living

When most people think about the Last Supper, they remember the sharing of the bread and wine. But there was something much more important taking place. The Lord's Supper was the occasion chosen by Jesus Christ to pass down His Father's Government to His apostles at the Constitutional Convention for the Kingdom of Heaven. Eliminate gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, high blood pressure, constipation and more.

Use simple, inexpensive cleanses to flush out the inside of the body and restore health.

Study God's Word - Practical answers for life's problem areas, bringing freedom, healing, restoration and reconciliation.